Alert Level 2 update

Our Havelock North Collection Centre remains closed at COVID Alert Level 2 – please visit our Hastings Health Centre or Maraekakaho Rd Collection Centre instead. We apologise for the inconvenience.

  • If you have symptoms COVID-19 please stay home and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or your GP.
  • If you awaiting a COVID-19 test result please also stay home (this excludes surveillance testing).

To enter our collection centres we need you to:

  • Mask Up: In our collection centres, masks are mandatory. Please request one from staff if you don’t have your own.
  • Sign In: Scan in using the NZ COVID Tracer App or sign in with our manual register
  • Sanitise: We ask that you sanitise your hands on entry and when you leave
  • Social Distance: At level 2 – the number of seats indicates the capacity in our waiting room. If all seats are taken, please remain outside. One in – one out. We also ask that you look after the people around you who may need a seat more than you.

There may be a line when you arrive so dress warm or bring an umbrella or raincoat.

Please follow all Ministry of Health guidelines regarding COVID Alert level 2 safety.