Our People

Our People

Our highly skilled team of pathologists, scientists, technicians and support staff are committed to providing diagnostic excellence to the patients and clinicians in our region.

Our pathologists are available to provide all clinicians with expert advice and interpretation to assist in the on-going management and care of your patients.

Key Contacts

Regional ManagerAndrew Milneandrew.milne@awanui.digitalmachine.co.nz
027 439 3006
Lead Chemical PathologistDr Marie VanDrimmelenmarie.vandrimmelen@awanui-wellingtonscl.digitalmachine.co.nz
04 245 0213
Lead HaematologistDr Anna Wananna.wan@awanui.digitalmachine.co.nz
Lead Clinical MicrobiologistDr Tim Blackmoretimothy.blackmore@awanui-wellingtonscl.digitalmachine.co.nz
027 271 8606
Anatomical PathologistDr Lesley Joblinlesley.joblin@hbdhb.govt.nz
06 878 1308 ext 2647
Anatomical PathologistDr Elena Bishopelena.bishop@hbdhb.govt.nz
06 878 1308 ext 2632
Anatomical PathologistDr David Palmerdavid.palmer@hbdhb.govt.nz
06 878 1308 ext 2685

Note: A pathologist from each discipline is always available for advice. Please phone the lab on 06 872 6450 or 0800 101 444 and we will put you in touch with the appropriate  on-call pathologist.