COVID-19 Pre-Departure Testing

COVID-19 Pre-Departure Testing

The Ministry of Health has advised laboratories and PHOs that COVID exit testing for repatriation to other countries pre-departure will not be funded by the NZ government from 22 June 2020. People registering for repatriation flights departing NZ will be made aware of any requirements around pre-departure testing by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and airlines.

Read information about the testing process below:

Test Process

Travellers will contact their medical practice to arrange testing. Payment must be made directly to the medical practice for all associated costs of testing, including the laboratory analysis.

Time-frame for Testing and Results

Pre-departure testing must be requested on or before 72 hours from when the result is required (not flight departure time). If a traveller presents with less than 72 hours before they require their result they should be aware of the likelihood they will not make their flight.


The price of the laboratory analysis is $145.00 inc. GST; this must be paid to the medical practice directly. The laboratory will invoice the medical practice for testing as per standard invoicing process.

Clinical Details

Manual Request Form
Medical Practices must include the wording ‘Pre-departure COVID-19 Test’. This allows the laboratory to identify the purpose of testing.

If using eOrders, select “Novel Coronavirus” and in funding category select “Patient to pay” (second option as below).

Patient Consent

By requesting COVID-19 testing individuals are providing their consent for results to be sent through to the national result repository. This is a Ministry of Health requirement for all notifiable diseases. There is no requirement for a separate consent form to be completed for this purpose.


Our laboratory is an Accredited Medical Testing Laboratories (SARS-CoV-2). For more information visit the IANZ accreditation directory.

Further Information

For queries relating to the laboratory testing process please contact